Aussie Bush Tales (2017)

Project description

Aussie Gumnuts Children’s eBooks

Aussie Gumnuts children’s ebooks are about a loveable group of friends from the bush and their exciting adventures of discovery and imagination in the Australian outback. All books are available as ePub ad PDF downloads.

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Testimonial from Nick Pagano, creator of Aussie Bush Tales,

Hello Fran,

Thank you for playing an important role in getting NITV to accept the first eight Children’s narrated stories in the Aussie Bush Tales series.

 Your time has been very valuable in collaborating with me and the Television Station.

The Television station has embraced the professional way you presented this project.

They have also asked for the remaining 20 narrated stories that will be completed within the next twelve months.

I have included you in the credits on each of the narrated stories.

Kind Regards  

Nick Pagano

8th of August, 2016

Project details

Nicola Pagano, Phil Walleystack
Fran Dobbie